Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Hanis - Mixing Finnish And German

Fräulein has now been in the German Krippe for one year. She has learnt the language quite well. Actually so well, that I noticed earlier that we are raising a bilingual child!

I was a bit worried, what would happen during our seven weeks in Finland. And yes, Fräulein's return to Krippe was a bit difficult. But it was not only the language - most of her friends had moved to the Kindergarten groups as they had turned three years old, there were many new children in the Krippe, and her favorite teacher was on holiday.

Well, after just one week everything was back to normal. Her language and speech (in Finnish) had really developed during our holiday and now her German was improving as well.

Nowadays, she is not only using one word commands sentences, but something more complex. And her vocabulary has improved greatly. She is also able to find the connection between the two languages: "Koira. In the Krippe they say 'Hund'!"

But then there is this one word, which I find highly amusing: 'rabbit'. In German 'Hase' and in Finnish 'jänis'.

Thus, Fräulein calls her bunny 'Hanis!'

Baby and her 'Hanis'

Paluu Krippeen Suomi-lomamme jälkeen oli Fräuleinille vähän hankala. Hänen suomensa oli kesän aikana parantunut merkittävästi, mutta sitten olikin taas aika palata saksankieliseen ympäristöön. 
Jo viikon jälkeen homma kuitenkin alkoi taas sujua ja saksankielisten sanojen ja juttujen määrä on lisääntynyt huimasti.
Mielestäni hauskin on uudissana, jolla Fräulein kutsuu pupuaan: Hase + jänis = Hanis!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Yoo-hoo! Are You Still There?

Oh, how the time has passed...

We spent seven weeks in Finland and I haven't told you anything about it, expect for those Silent Sunday photos.

And now we have been home for a couple of weeks. Keeping quite busy, I might add.

And the more time passes and the more there are things to tell, the harder it is to write a new blog post.

So, I will now skip the past two months and just say: 'Hello!', 'Hei!' and 'Hallo!'

I might get back to our time in Finland later, but for now I will just show you what happens when Herr Welle is in China for one week...

When the cat's away, the mice will play sleep in his bed

Heipä hei, täällä ollaan taas...
Silent Sunday -kuvien lisäksi täällä on ollut aika hiljaista, mutta joskos taas pääsisin arkirytmiin. 
Herr Welle on parhaillaan viikon työmatkalla Kiinassa ja kuten kuvasta näkyy: kun kissa on poissa, hiiret hyppivät pöydällä sängyllä