Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Spring Feeling With Melting Snow

I was a bit sad to leave Wiesbaden, when it was sunny and +20 degrees outside. That is the sort of weather we Finns call summer!

I thought that the weather here in south-west Finland would be all grey and muddy. But to my great delight, it isn't that bad after all!

The melting snow actually gives an unique spring feeling, which we didn't get in Wiesbaden. But the downside is that it is quite wet and muddy everywhere, so Fräulein's winter suit is in quite of state after 30 minutes outside... But she really enjoys the last remaining snowdrifts!

1 comment:

Frau Dietz said...

She looks so brilliant in that outfit! Hope you have had a wonderful time - give me a shout when you're back :)