I'm so sorry for neglecting you again. Unfortunately, I don't have anything interesting to write about, But I thought it would be fair to give you at least an idea what has been going on in here.
First of all, Fräulein and myself caught a cold last weekend. Fräulein was fine by Monday but I am still sneezing and coughing. And just when I would have needed so time to relax, Fräulein's Tagesmutter let us know that her own daughter was ill and Fräulein couldn't go to daycare. Great. So I really have had neither the time nor the energy to blog.
But not everything is a misery. We have been meeting friends, some of whom we haven't met for months. And yesterday, I had the 3D/4D ultrasound.
When I was pregnant with Fräulein, we were still living in Finland, so I had only two regular ultrasounds during my pregnancy. As we wanted the opportunity to she her once more and get to know her gender, we went to private doctor's office for this 3D/4D ultrasound.
This time, here in Germany, I have ultrasound every four weeks! So, first I thought it would not be so interesting to have that 3D/4D ultrasound. But as Herr Welle pointed out, that we would get a DVD with some video footage of the baby, I thought it be fair for this baby to have that too, like her sister does.
Everything was well and we got some great photos of her face. And yes, she was still 'she' :)
Next Monday, Fräulein will be starting in the kindergarten. The first day will be total 30 minutes long (together with me...) So, I cannot promise I'll have more time to blog next week, either.
Taas on vierehtänyt aikaa edellisestä postauksesta, sillä olen ollut kipeänä eikä Fräuleinkaan ole päässyt päivähoitoon. Mutta jotain mukavaakin sentään, sillä kävimme 3D/4D-ultrassa kurkkimassa masuasukin kasvonpiirteitä. Maanantaina alkaakin Fräuleinin sopeutumisjakso päiväkodissa, joten en voi luvata bloggaavani ensi viikollakaan kovin aktiivisesti...
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