Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Little Lady at the Hair Salon

Fräulein has never had a hair cut, and it was about the time to do something about that.

I didn't even consider cutting her hair myself, so the only option was to go to a hair salon.

Fräulein has never seen anyone having their hair cut. She can be a very strong-minded person, so I was dreading the moment I was taking her to see a hair dresser. As the situation would be completely new to her, I was sure that she would decide that she wasn't going to step into the salon / sit in the chair / stay still / stop crying.

So I was trying to think of any TV program that would show her what it was all about. But the only programs I came to think of were the make-over episodes of America's Next Top Model, and those weren't exactly what I was looking for...

Luckily, I had noticed that here in Wiesbaden is a special hair salon for children, called Ratz Matz. I thought that the setting there would be less intimidating than in a normal 'adult' salon and Fräulein would find it fun there.

The previous evening, I tried to prepare her for the hair cut by showing her some pictures of the place in internet and telling her what was going to happen. She seemed to be excited about going there!

We were there a bit early, and Fräulein was able to explore the play area upstairs - a nice way to get her mind of the hair cut.

But what was even more important, she was able to watch two boys having their hairs cut downstairs. One of the boys was sitting calmly, the other was laughing and having fun. The best preparation we could get!

The hairdresser suggested that Fräulein would sit in a chair by the play area, but she had already set her eyes on the red car. So, downstairs we went.

The hairdresser was clearly experienced with kids. And it is nice that Fräulein understands German and was thus able to communicate with the lady. 

Everything went perfectly. Fräulein sat in her chair car quietly and just stared at her image in the mirror. I guess she was a bit terrified, but she was determined to be as brave as the boys before her.

Afterwards, she was very satisfied with herself and her new hair. To be honest, the change wasn't that drastic, but we got rid of the dry ends.

And the only cry she had was when she wasn't going to get second haircut in the moped shaped chair!

Fräuleinin hiuksia ei olta ennen viime viikkoa leikattu kertaakaan, joten latvat alkoivat jo olla aika takkuuntuvat. Viime viikolla päätimmekin vihdoin mennä kampaajalle. Täällä Wiesbadenissa on erityisesti lapsille tarkoitettu Ratz Matz -kampaamo, mistä löytyy leikkialue ja hauskat kampaamotuolit. 

Ennen hiustenleikkuuta Fräulein katseli, miten kahden pojan hiukset leikattiin, joten kun tuli Fräuleinin vuoro, hän tiesi mitä tulee tapahtumaan. Tyttö istui punaisessa autossaan reippaana, tosin vähän jännittyneen oloisena. Kampaaja hoiti hiustenleikkuun ammattitaitoisesti ja ripeästi. Vaikka olin varautunut siihen, että kampaamokäynti voisi olla aikamoista draamaa, selvisimme yhdellä itkulla: harmi iski, kun Fräulein ei saanutkaan toista hiustenleikkuuta mopotuolissa!

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