Friday, June 21, 2013

Missing Out On Midsummer

Last 12 years, we have spent the Midsummer at Herr Welle's parents' summer cabin. The Finnish Midsummer consists of a bonfire, sauna, good food (and drink). And mosquitos.

This year, we will miss out of this all, as we are home in Wiesbaden.

To get into some kind of Midsummer mood, I took a look at the photos of Fräulein's first Midsummer.

Rule #1: Come prepared. Mosquito nets and sprays are essential!

With the help of her cousins' toys,
Fräulein learnt to crawl during Midsummer 2011

All you in Finland, enjoy the Midsummer on our behalf, too!

Ensimmäistä kertaa kahteentoista vuoteen vietämme juhannusta muualla kuin appivanhempieni mökillä. Koska olemme nyt kotona Wiesbadenissa, jäävät tänä vuonna väliin sauna, kokko ja perinteiset juhannusherkut.

Mutta mukavaa juhannusta teille kaikille sinne koto-Suomeen!

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