Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Lovely Long Weekend

Yesterday was bank holiday here in Germany. For the whole weekend, the weather was as nice as it could possibly be - sunny and +25°C. (A couple of days earlier, it was about +32, which was way too hot for any activities.)

Even though we stayed at the walking distance from our home, it felt that we had a small holiday.

On Sunday, there was the Nerobergfest. It is a family event on, you guessed it!, Neroberg.

There are several activities for children, like a bouncy castle, sledding hill, ball shooting and puppet shows.

Fräulein was still a bit small for this event, but she enjoyed the atmosphere and the amount of children running around.

Yesterday, we spent the afternoon at the Nerotal park. Usually, there is one or two other kids at the playground, but now it was quite crowded there.

But there is always room for one little girl!

Täällä Saksassa nautittiin kolmipäiväisestä viikonlopusta, sillä eilinen oli täällä vapaapäivä (kätevää kun Helluntaita juhlitaan sunnuntain sijaan maanantaina!). 
Saimme nautiskella kauniista kesäkelistä sunnuntaina Nerobergfestissä ja eilen ihan vaan ulkolkoilemalla lähipuistossa.

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