Friday, January 20, 2012

A Peek Into Our Bedroom

When Fräulein was born, I had planned that she would sleep in her own little bed in our bedroom. And that is how it mostly was. Although I quite often fell a sleep while breastfeeding her during the night and she ended up sleeping in our bed.

First day home.
Nowadays, she mostly sleeps through the night in her own bed, although she sometimes needs some help finding her pacifier. Her crib is placed so that I can easily reach to find the pacifier or, if that is not enough, try to settle her. Very often we both fall asleep so that my hand is inside her crib. And in the morning my back hurts...

Current arrangements
However, sometimes I'm not able to settle her in her own bed and must take her into ours. Then she will usually sleep well. But Herr Welle and I, we won't.

Why I'm telling you this? Yesterday I saw some great pictures in expatbabyadventures blog (the pictures are originally from How to be a dad blog). These describe so well the situation when Fräulein is sleeping in our bed, that I MUST share these. Especially the 'Jazz Hands' are soooooo familiar!


BavarianSojourn said...

That first picture is just adorable, and I love those other pictures, Jazz hands especially made me laugh! I remember those days well! Emma :)

expatmammy said...

thanks for the mention they're great pictures aren't they

Frau Dietz said...

That's brilliant! I love the "neck scarf", it reminds me of what our cat used to do to me when I was little. Claws IN, obviously...