Friday, December 30, 2011

2011: The Year Frau Welle Found Social Networks

Tomorrow is the New Years Eve, so guess this could be a good time to look a bit backwards and what has happened during the year 2011. Yes, I'm embarrassed to admit that this all took place this year and not ten years earlier, as it should have with any normal person...

In February 2011: Frau Welle joined Facebook.
Before, I was such an anti-Facebook type of person. I had sworn that I would never join. But never say never...
Being a Hausfrau and an expat made me realize that I need every possible communication channel in order to keep in contact with also other people than my closest friends and family. So I ate my words and joined Facebook.

During my almost-a-year in Facebook, I have had the ups and the downs. First, I became addicted to it. Then a bit bored. Then I was mad, because the privacy settings were changed without me knowing. Now my relationship with Facebook is more neutral. It is nice to follow what people are up to, but I haven't had the energy to connect with all possible people I know and thus have only a handful of Facebook friends to follow.

In November 2011: Frau Welle started blogging.
I guess you have noticed that...

For almost two months now, I have been writing about my life as an expat and a Hausfrau. It has been great to connect with other expat bloggers and noticing that some of my posts can actually be of help to someone!

Hausfrau's new favorite hobby!

In December 2011: Frau Welle joined Twitter.
I realized, that many of my fellow bloggers are very active also in Twitter, so I had to join as well. I haven't yet tweeted (is that the word you use?) at all, but I'm starting to get the hold of things.

Let see what year 2012 brings along!


BavarianSojourn said...

A busy year indeed! Happy 2012! Emma :)

Frau Welle said...

Happy New Year to you too!

Katri said...

Hyvää uutta vuotta 2012!

Frau Welle said...

Hyvää Uutta Vuotta, Katri!
Olipas tosi kiva kun kävitte kylässä! Jokos on uusi reissu suunnitteilla? ;)

Katri said...

Kiitos vain itsellenne - mikäs meillä oli vieraillessa kun täysihoitoon pääsi :) Uusi reissu itse asiassa on suunnitteilla jo ensi viikonlopulle, menen loppiaisena Tukholmaan sukulaisvierailuja tekemään..