Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Two Blogging Steps Forward

Yes, I finally did it: Frau Welle is now on Facebook!

As so many bloggers who I follow have recently found their way to Facebook, I thought it was about the time for me to do that as well.

You can find my page *here* or by clicking the 'fb' symbol on the left, under 'Follow Frau Welle'.

Please, 'like' me in Facebook, and you'll get the updates of my new blog posts!

Fräulein tends to get a bit frustrated,
when her new 'friends', the Teletubbies, do not accept her hairpin...

And the other step? As you might have noticed from my last blog post, I will write a short summary of my posts in Finnish from now on. Although I am sure that all my Finnish followers are able to read English, I thought I would make it a bit easier for them to just briefly check what I'm writing about.

Maybe some day I'll be able to add a German summary as well...

Frau Wellellä on nyt oma Facebook-sivu - löydät sen klikkaamalla tästä tai tämän sivun vasemmassa laidassa olevaa fb-symbolia. "Tykkäämällä" sivusta saat kätevästi tiedot uusista blogikirjoituksistani.
Ja kuten tästäkin käy ilmi, aion jatkossa kirjoittaa tällaisen pienen tiivistelmän suomeksi jutun loppuun. Eli tervetuloa lueskelemaan!

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